The Dai stablecoin system is a set of blockchain smart contracts designed to issue a collateral-backed token (called the dai) and subject its price to a decentralized stability mechanism.
This document is an executable technical specification of the system. It is a draft and will change before launch.
For an overview of the system, see the white paper.
For a "choose your own adventure" exploration of the system's mechanics, please wait for the interactive FAQ.
We are dedicated to providing material for new people to understand the system in depth. This will be important for successful governance in the project's future.
If you have any questions, ask on our chat or subreddit. Asking helps us work on our explanatory material, so we appreciate it.
The contracts that will be deployed on the Ethereum blockchain are prototyped in Solidity. This paper is a model of the system written as a Haskell program. The motivations for this include:
Comparison. Checking two free-standing implementations against each other is a well-known way of ensuring that they both behave as intended.
Verification. Haskell lets us use powerful testing tools such as QuickCheck for comprehensively verifying key properties. This is a middle ground between testing and formal verification.
Formality. The work of translating into a purely functional program opens up opportunities for formal verification. This document will be useful for modelling aspects of the system in a proof assistant like Isabelle.
Explicitness. Coding the contract behavior in Haskell, a statically typed functional language, enforces explicit description of aspects which Solidity leaves implicit.
Clarity. An implementation not intended to be deployed on the blockchain is free from concerns about optimizing for gas cost and other factors that make the Solidity implementation less ideal as an understandable specification.
Simulation. Solidity is specific to the blockchain environment and lacks facilities for interfacing with files or other programs. A reference implementation is useful for doing simulations of the system's economic, game-theoretic, or statistical aspects.
We are developing automatic test suites that generate interaction sequences for property verification.
One such property is that the reference implementation behaves like the on-chain implementation. We verify this by generating Solidity test cases with equality assertions for the entire state.
Other key properties include
along with similar invariants and conditions. A future revision of this document will include formal statements of these properties.
The reference implementation uses a concise vocabulary for system variables and actions.
This document has a glossary accessible through hovering over highlighted words.
Here are some of the motivations for this jargon:
The dai stablecoin system lets users lock collateral assets and issue dai in proportion to the collateral's market value. Thus they can deposit their valuable tokens in order to withdraw some quantity of stablecoin. Such a deposit account is called a "collateralized debt position" or CDP.
As long as such a deposit retains sufficient market value, the user may reclaim their deposit, partially or in whole, by paying back dai. As long as the CDP is collateralized in excess of the required ratio, the user can also decrease their collateralization by reclaiming part of the deposit without paying back dai.
Governance decides which external tokens are valid as collateral, and creates different deposit classes, or "CDP types", each with different parameters such as maximum dai issuance, minimum collateral ratio, and so on.
For deciding collateral requirements, the system values the dai not at the market price, but at its own target price, which is adjusted by the stability mechanism.
The target price adjustment is a second order effect. Primarily, the stability mechanism reacts to market price changes by adjusting the target rate.
This program uses some symbols defined in external libraries.
Most symbols should be clear in context, but our "prelude" lists and
briefly explains each imported type and function.
module Maker where import Prelude (); import Maker.Prelude; import Maker.Decimal
The system uses two precisions of decimal numbers, to which we have given short mnemonic names.
One is called wad and has 18 digits of precision. It is used for token quantities, such as amounts of ETH, DAI, or MKR.
The other is called ray and has 36 digits of precision. It is used for precise rates and ratios, such as the stability fee parameter.
We define these as distinct types. The type system will not allow us to combine them without explicit conversion.
newtype Wad = Wad (Decimal E18) deriving (Ord, Eq, Num, Real, Fractional, RealFrac) newtype Ray = Ray (Decimal E36) deriving (Ord, Eq, Num, Real, Fractional, RealFrac)
We define a generic function for converting one of these types to the other.
cast x = fromRational (toRational x) -- [Via fractional $n/m$ form]
We also define a type for time durations in whole seconds.
newtype Sec = Sec Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Num, Real, Integral)
The following common Haskell idiom lets us use Id Ilk
Id Urn
, and so on, as distinct identifier types.
newtype Id a = Id String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
We define another type for representing Ethereum account addresses.
newtype Address = Address String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
: token identifiersThe system makes use of four basic types of tokens.
data Token -- Some collateral token approved by system governance = Gem (Id Tag) -- Fungible stablecoin, issued by CDP owners and traded publicly | DAI -- Internal anticoin whose quantity is always equal to total issued dai | SIN -- Volatile countercoin and voting token | MKR deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
The system's approved collateral tokens are called "gems". We use
the type Id Tag
to denote the identity of some
collateral token.
The model treats all collateral tokens as basic ERC20 tokens differing only in symbol. In reality, voters should make sure that tokens are well-behaved before approving them.
: collateral token price recordThe data received from price feeds is stored in
data Tag = Tag { -- Latest token market price (denominated in SDR) _tag :: Wad, -- Timestamp after which price should be considered stale _zzz :: Sec } deriving (Eq, Show)
: CDP recordAn Urn
record keeps track of one CDP.
data Urn = Urn { -- CDP type identifier _ilk :: Id Ilk, -- CDP owner _lad :: Address, -- Amount of outstanding dai issued by this CDP, denominated in debt unit _art :: Wad, -- Amount of collateral currently locked by this CDP _ink :: Wad, -- Actor that triggered liquidation, if applicable _cat :: Maybe Actor } deriving (Eq, Show)
: CDP type recordAn Ilk
record keeps track of one CDP type.
data Ilk = Ilk { -- Token used as collateral for CDPs of this type _gem :: Id Tag, -- Total debt owed by CDPs of this type, denominated in debt unit _rum :: Wad, -- Current dai value of debt unit, increasing according to stability fee _chi :: Ray, -- Debt ceiling: maximum total outstanding dai value that can be issued by this CDP type _hat :: Wad, -- Liquidation ratio (collateral value per dai value) _mat :: Ray, -- Liquidation penalty (fraction of dai) _axe :: Ray, -- Fee (per-second fraction of dai) _tax :: Ray, -- Grace period of price feed unavailability _lax :: Sec, -- Timestamp of latest debt unit adjustment _rho :: Sec } deriving (Eq, Show)
: feedback mechanism recordThe feedback mechanism is the aspect of the system that
adjusts the target price of dai based on market price. Its data is
grouped in a record called Vox
data Vox = Vox { -- Dai market price denominated in SDR _wut :: Wad, -- Dai target price denominated in SDR _par :: Wad, -- Current per-second change in target price _way :: Ray, -- Sensitivity parameter (set by governance) _how :: Ray, -- Timestamp of latest feedback iteration _tau :: Sec } deriving (Eq, Show)
: account identifierWe use a data type to explicitly distinguish the different entities that can hold a token balance or invoke actions.
data Actor -- Extern address (CDP owner) = Account Address -- Collateral vault, holds all locked collateral until liquidation | Jar -- DAI and SIN are minted and burned by the "jug" | Jug -- The settler component | Vow -- The collateral auctioneer that raises DAI to cover liquidations | Flipper -- The "buy and burn" auctioneer that spends fee revenue on buying MKR | Flapper -- The "inflate and sell" auctioneer that mints MKR to cover liquidations | Flopper -- Test driver (not present in real system) | Toy -- Omnipotent actor (temporary kludge) | God deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
Finally we define the overall state of the model.
data System = System { -- Feedback mechanism data _vox :: Vox, -- CDP records _urns :: Map (Id Urn) Urn, -- CDP type records _ilks :: Map (Id Ilk) Ilk, -- Price tags of collateral tokens _tags :: Map (Id Tag) Tag, -- Token balances by actor and token _balances :: Map (Actor, Token) Wad, -- Current timestamp _era :: Sec, -- Settler operation mode _mode :: Mode, -- Sender of current action _sender :: Actor, -- All user accounts (for tests) _accounts :: [Address] } deriving (Eq, Show)
-- Settler-related work in progress data Mode = Dummy deriving (Eq, Show)
The actions are the basic state transitions of the system.
Unless specified as internal, actions are accessible as public functions on the blockchain.
The auth
modifier marks actions which can only be
invoked from addresses to which the system has granted authority.
For details on the underlying »Action monad« which specifies how the action definitions behave with regard to state and rollback, see chapter \ref{chapter:monad}.
Any user can open one or more accounts with the system using
, specifying a self-chosen account identifier and
an ilk.
open id_urn id_ilk = do -- Fail if account identifier is taken none (urns . ix id_urn) -- Fail if ilk type is not present _ <- look (ilks . ix id_ilk) -- Create a CDP with the sender as owner Account id_lad <- use sender initialize (urns . at id_urn) (emptyUrn id_ilk id_lad)
The owner of an urn can transfer its ownership at any time using
give id_urn id_lad = do -- Fail if sender is not the CDP owner id_sender <- use sender owns id_urn id_sender -- Transfer CDP ownership assign (urns . ix id_urn . lad) id_lad
Unless CDP is in liquidation, its owner can use lock
lock more collateral.
lock id_urn wad_gem = do -- Fail if sender is not the CDP owner id_lad <- use sender owns id_urn id_lad -- Fail if liquidation in process want (feel id_urn) (not . oneOf [Grief, Dread]) -- Identify collateral token id_ilk <- look (urns . ix id_urn . ilk) id_tag <- look (ilks . ix id_ilk . gem) -- Take custody of collateral transfer (Gem id_tag) wad_gem id_lad Jar -- Record an collateral token balance increase increase (urns . ix id_urn . ink) wad_gem
When a CDP has no risk problems (except that its ilk's ceiling may
be exceeded), its owner can use free
to reclaim some
amount of collateral, as long as this would not take the CDP below its
liquidation ratio.
free id_urn wad_gem = do -- Fail if sender is not the CDP owner id_lad <- use sender owns id_urn id_lad -- Record a collateral token balance decrease decrease (urns . ix id_urn . ink) wad_gem -- Roll back on any risk problem except ilk ceiling excess want (feel id_urn) (oneOf [Pride, Anger]) -- Release custody of collateral id_ilk <- look (urns . ix id_urn . ilk) id_tag <- look (ilks . ix id_ilk . gem) transfer (Gem id_tag) wad_gem Jar id_lad
When a CDP has no risk problems, its owner can can use
to issue fresh stablecoin, as long as the ilk
ceiling is not exceeded and the issuance would not take the CDP below
its liquidation ratio.
draw id_urn wad_dai = do -- Fail if sender is not the CDP owner id_lad <- use sender owns id_urn id_lad -- Update debt unit and unprocessed fee revenue id_ilk <- look (urns . ix id_urn . ilk) chi1 <- drip id_ilk -- Denominate issuance quantity in debt unit let wad_chi = wad_dai / cast chi1 -- Record increase of CDP's stablecoin issuance increase (urns . ix id_urn . art) wad_chi -- Record increase of ilk's stablecoin issuance increase (ilks . ix id_ilk . rum) wad_chi -- Roll back on any risk problem want (feel id_urn) (== Pride) -- Mint both stablecoin and anticoin lend wad_dai -- Transfer stablecoin to CDP owner transfer DAI wad_dai Jug id_lad
An CDP owner who has previously issued stablecoin can use
to send back dai and reduce the CDP's issuance.
wipe id_urn wad_dai = do -- Fail if sender is not the CDP owner id_lad <- use sender owns id_urn id_lad -- Fail if CDP is in liquidation want (feel id_urn) (not . oneOf [Grief, Dread]) -- Update debt unit and unprocessed fee revenue id_ilk <- look (urns . ix id_urn . ilk) chi1 <- drip id_ilk -- Denominate stablecoin amount in debt unit let wad_chi = wad_dai / cast chi1 -- Record decrease of CDP issuance decrease (urns . ix id_urn . art) wad_chi -- Record decrease of ilk total issuance decrease (ilks . ix id_ilk . rum) wad_chi -- Take custody of stablecoin from CDP owner transfer DAI wad_dai id_lad Jar -- Destroy stablecoin and anticoin mend wad_dai
An CDP owner can use shut
to close their account, if
the price feed is up to date and the CDP is not in liquidation.
This reclaims all collateral and cancels all issuance plus fee.
shut id_urn = do -- Update debt unit and unprocessed fee revenue id_ilk <- look (urns . ix id_urn . ilk) chi1 <- drip id_ilk -- Reverse all issued stablecoin plus fee art0 <- look (urns . ix id_urn . art) wipe id_urn (art0 * cast chi1) -- Reclaim all locked collateral ink0 <- look (urns . ix id_urn . ink) free id_urn ink0 -- Nullify CDP record assign (urns . at id_urn) Nothing
We define six stages of a CDP's lifecycle.
data Stage -- Overcollateralized, CDP type below debt ceiling, fresh price tag, liquidation not triggered = Pride -- Debt ceiling reached for CDP's type | Anger -- CDP type's collateral price feed in limbo | Worry -- CDP undercollateralized, or CDP type's price limbo grace period exceeded | Panic -- Liquidation triggered | Grief -- Liquidation triggered and started | Dread deriving (Eq, Show)
The following table shows which CDP actions are allowed and prohibited in each stage of the CDP lifecycle.
give shut lock wipe free draw bite grab plop
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■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■
■ ■
give shut lock wipe free draw bite grab plop
╰┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈╯ ╰┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈╯
increase collateral liquidation
is only allowed during Pride
, while
is also allowed during Anger
is allowed at any time, including
during liquidation.
We define the function analyze
that determines the
lifecycle stage of a CDP.
analyze era0 par0 urn0 ilk0 tag0 = let -- Value of urn's locked collateral in SDR: pro = view ink urn0 * view tag tag0 -- CDP's issuance denominated in SDR: con = view art urn0 * cast (view chi ilk0) * par0 -- Required collateral value as per liquidation ratio: min = con * cast (view mat ilk0) -- CDP type's total DAI issuance: cap = view rum ilk0 * cast (view chi ilk0) in if -- Cases checked in order: | has cat urn0 && view ink urn0 == 0 -> Dread | has cat urn0 -> Grief | pro < min -> Panic | view zzz tag0 + view lax ilk0 < era0 -> Panic | view zzz tag0 < era0 -> Worry | cap > view hat ilk0 -> Anger | otherwise -> Pride
Now we define the internal act feel
which returns the
value of analyze
after ensuring that the system state
is updated.
feel id_urn = do -- Adjust target price and target rate prod -- Update debt unit and unprocessed fee revenue id_ilk <- look (urns . ix id_urn . ilk) drip id_ilk -- Read parameters for stage analysis era0 <- use era par0 <- use (vox . par) urn0 <- look (urns . ix id_urn) ilk0 <- look (ilks . ix (view ilk urn0)) tag0 <- look (tags . ix (view gem ilk0)) -- Return lifecycle stage of CDP return (analyze era0 par0 urn0 ilk0 tag0)
CDP actions use feel
to prohibit increasing risk when
already risky, and to freeze stablecoin and collateral during
The feedback mechanism is updated through prod
, which
can be invoked at any time by keepers, but is also invoked as a side
effect of any CDP act that uses feel
to assess risk.
prod = do -- Read all parameters relevant for feedback mechanism era0 <- use era tau0 <- use (vox . tau) wut0 <- use (vox . wut) par0 <- use (vox . par) how0 <- use (vox . how) way0 <- use (vox . way) let -- Time difference in seconds age = era0 - tau0 -- Current target rate applied to target price par1 = par0 * cast (way0 ^^ age) -- Sensitivity parameter applied over time wag = how0 * fromIntegral age -- Target rate scaled up or down way1 = inj (prj way0 + if wut0 < par0 then wag else -wag) -- Update target price assign (vox . par) par1 -- Update rate of price change assign (vox . way) way1 -- Record time of update assign (vox . tau) era0 where -- Convert between multiplicative and additive form prj x = if x >= 1 then x - 1 else 1 - 1 / x inj x = if x >= 0 then x + 1 else 1 / (1 - x)
The stability fee of an ilk can change through governance. Due to
the constraint that acts should run in constant time, the system
cannot iterate over CDPs to effect such changes. Instead each ilk has
a single »debt unit« which accumulates the stability fee.
The drip
act updates this unit. It can be called at any
time by keepers, but is also called as a side effect of every act that
uses feel
to assess CDP risk.
drip id_ilk = do rho0 <- look (ilks . ix id_ilk . rho) tax0 <- look (ilks . ix id_ilk . tax) chi0 <- look (ilks . ix id_ilk . chi) rum0 <- look (ilks . ix id_ilk . rum) era0 <- use era let -- Time difference in seconds age = era0 - rho0 -- Value of debt unit increased according to stability fee chi1 = chi0 * tax0 ^^ age -- Stability fee revenue denominated in new unit dew = (cast (chi1 - chi0) :: Wad) * rum0 -- Mint stablecoin and anticoin for marginally accrued fee lend dew -- Record time of update assign (ilks . ix id_ilk . rho) era0 -- Record new debt unit assign (ilks . ix id_ilk . chi) chi1 -- Return the new debt unit return chi1
The mark
act records a new market price of an
collateral along with the expiration date of this price.
mark id_gem tag1 zzz1 = auth $ do initialize (tags . at id_gem) Tag { _tag = tag1, _zzz = zzz1 }
The tell
act records a new market price of dai along
with the expiration date of this price.
tell wad = auth $ do assign (vox . wut) wad
When a CDP's stage marks it
as in need of liquidation,
any account can invoke the bite
to trigger the liquidation process.
This enables the settler contract
to grab the collateral for auctioning
and take over the anticoin.
bite id_urn = do -- Fail if CDP is not in the appropriate stage want (feel id_urn) (== Panic) -- Record the sender as the liquidation initiator id_cat <- use sender assign (urns . ix id_urn . cat) (Just id_cat) -- Apply liquidation penalty to CDP issuance id_ilk <- look (urns . ix id_urn . ilk) axe0 <- look (ilks . ix id_ilk . axe) art0 <- look (urns . ix id_urn . art) let art1 = art0 * cast axe0 -- Update CDP issuance to include penalty assign (urns . ix id_urn . art) art1
After liquidation has been triggered,
the designated settler contract invokes grab
to receive both the CDP's collateral
and the anticoins
corresponding to the CDP's issuance.
grab id_urn = auth $ do -- Fail if CDP is not marked for liquidation want (feel id_urn) (== Grief) ink0 <- look (urns . ix id_urn . ink) art0 <- look (urns . ix id_urn . art) id_ilk <- look (urns . ix id_urn . ilk) id_tag <- look (ilks . ix id_ilk . gem) -- Update the debt unit and unprocessed fee revenue chi1 <- drip id_ilk -- Denominate the issuance in dai let con = art0 * cast chi1 -- Transfer collateral and anticoin to settler transfer (Gem id_tag) ink0 Jar Vow transfer SIN con Jug Vow -- Nullify CDP's collateral and anticoin quantities assign (urns . ix id_urn . ink) 0 assign (urns . ix id_urn . art) 0 -- Decrease the ilk's total issuance decrease (ilks . ix id_ilk . rum) art0
When the settler has finished the liquidation of a CDP, it
invokes plop
to give back any collateral it did not need
to sell and restore the CDP.
plop id_urn wad_dai = auth $ do -- Fail unless CDP is in the proper stage want (feel id_urn) (== Dread) -- Forget the CDP's initiator of liquidation assign (urns . ix id_urn . cat) Nothing -- Take excess collateral from settler to vault id_vow <- use sender id_ilk <- look (urns . ix id_urn . ilk) id_tag <- look (ilks . ix id_ilk . gem) transfer (Gem id_tag) wad_dai id_vow Jar -- Record the excess collateral as belonging to the CDP assign (urns . ix id_urn . ink) wad_dai
The settler can invoke loot
at any time
to claim all uncollected stability fee revenue
for use in the countercoin buy-and-burn auction.
loot = auth $ do -- The dai vault's balance is the uncollected stability fee revenue wad <- look (balance DAI Jug) -- Transfer the entire dai vault balance to sender transfer DAI wad Jug Vow
flip id_gem wad_jam wad_tab id_urn = do vow <- look mode case vow of Dummy -> return ()
flap = do vow <- look mode case vow of Dummy -> return () flop = do vow <- look mode case vow of Dummy -> return ()
tidy who = auth $ do -- Find the entity's stablecoin and anticoin balances awe <- look (balance DAI who) woe <- look (balance SIN who) -- We can burn at most the smallest of the two balances let x = min awe woe -- Transfer stablecoin and anticoin to the settler transfer DAI x who Vow transfer SIN x who Vow -- Burn both stablecoin and anticoin burn DAI x Vow burn SIN x Vow
kick = do -- Transfer unprocessed stability fee revenue to vow account loot -- Cancel stablecoin against anticoin tidy Vow -- Assign any remaining stablecoin to countercoin-deflating auction transferAll DAI Vow Flapper flap -- Assign any remaining anticoin to countercoin-inflating auction transferAll SIN Vow Flopper flop
Governance uses form
to create a new ilk. Since the
new type is initialized with a zero ceiling, a separate transaction
can safely set the risk parameters before any issuance occurs.
form id_ilk id_gem = auth $ do initialize (ilks . at id_ilk) (defaultIlk id_gem)
Governance uses frob
to alter the sensitivity factor,
which is the only mutable parameter of the feedback mechanism.
frob how1 = auth $ do assign (vox . how) how1
Governance can alter the five risk parameters of an ilk using
for the liquidation ratio; chop
for the
liquidation penalty; cork
for the ilk ceiling;
for the duration of price limbo; and
for the stability fee.
cuff id_ilk mat1 = auth $ do assign (ilks . ix id_ilk . mat) mat1 chop id_ilk axe1 = auth $ do assign (ilks . ix id_ilk . axe) axe1 cork id_ilk hat1 = auth $ do assign (ilks . ix id_ilk . hat) hat1 calm id_ilk lax1 = auth $ do assign (ilks . ix id_ilk . lax) lax1
When altering the stability fee with crop
, we ensure
that the previous stability fee has been accounted for in the internal
debt unit.
crop id_ilk tax1 = auth $ do -- Apply the current stability fee to the internal debt unit drip id_ilk -- Change the stability fee assign (ilks . ix id_ilk . tax) tax1
We model the ERC20 transfer function in simplified form (omitting the concept of »allowance«).
transfer id_gem wad src dst = -- Operate in the token's balance table zoom balances $ do -- Fail if source balance insufficient balance <- look (ix (src, id_gem)) aver (balance >= wad) -- Update balances decrease (ix (src, id_gem)) wad initialize (at (dst, id_gem)) 0 increase (ix (dst, id_gem)) wad
transferAll id_gem src dst = do wad <- look (balance id_gem src) transfer id_gem wad src dst
The internal act mint
inflates the supply of a token.
It is used by lend
to create new stablecoin and anticoin,
and by the settler to create new countercoin.
mint id_gem wad dst = do initialize (balances . at (dst, id_gem)) 0 increase (balances . ix (dst, id_gem)) wad
The internal act burn
deflates the supply of a token.
It is used by mend
to destroy stablecoin and anticoin,
and by the settler to destroy countercoin.
burn id_gem wad src = decrease (balances . ix (src, id_gem)) wad
The internal act lend
mints identical amounts of both
stablecoin and anticoin. It is used by draw
to issue
stablecoin; it is also used by drip
to issue stablecoin
representing revenue from stability fees, which stays in the vault
until collected.
lend wad_dai = do mint DAI wad_dai Jug mint SIN wad_dai Jug
The internal act mend
destroys identical amounts of
both dai and the internal debt token. Its use via wipe
is how the stablecoin supply is reduced.
mend wad_dai = do burn DAI wad_dai Jug burn SIN wad_dai Jug
defaultIlk :: Id Tag -> Ilk defaultIlk id_tag = Ilk { _gem = id_tag, _axe = Ray 1, _mat = Ray 1, _tax = Ray 1, _hat = Wad 0, _lax = Sec 0, _chi = Ray 1, _rum = Wad 0, _rho = Sec 0 }
emptyUrn :: Id Ilk -> Address -> Urn emptyUrn id_ilk id_lad = Urn { _cat = Nothing, _lad = id_lad, _ilk = id_ilk, _art = Wad 0, _ink = Wad 0 }
initialTag :: Tag initialTag = Tag { _tag = Wad 0, _zzz = 0 }
initialSystem :: Ray -> System initialSystem how0 = System { _balances = empty, _ilks = empty, _urns = empty, _tags = empty, _era = 0, _sender = God, _accounts = mempty, _mode = Dummy, _vox = Vox { _tau = 0, _wut = Wad 1, _par = Wad 1, _how = how0, _way = Ray 1 } }
The reader does not need any abstract understanding of monads to
understand the code. They provide syntax (the do
notation) for expressing exceptions and state in a way that is still
purely functional. Each line of such a block is interpreted by the
monad to provide the semantics we want.
monadThis defines the Action
monad as a simple composition
of a state monad and an error monad:
type Action a = StateT System (Except Error) a
We divide act failure modes into general assertion failures and authentication failures.
data Error = AssertError Act | AuthError deriving (Show, Eq)
An act can be executed on a given initial system state using
. The result is either an error or a new state.
The exec
function can also accept a sequence of actions,
which will be interpreted as a single transaction.
exec :: System -> Action () -> Either Error System exec sys m = runExcept (execStateT m sys)
We now define a set of functions that fail unless some condition holds.
-- General assertion aver x = unless x (throwError (AssertError ?act)) -- Assert that an indexed value is not present none x = preuse x >>= \case Nothing -> return () Just _ -> throwError (AssertError ?act) -- Assert that an indexed value is present look f = preuse f >>= \case Nothing -> throwError (AssertError ?act) Just x -> return x -- Execute an act and assert a condition on its result want m p = m >>= (aver . p) has p x = view p x /= Nothing
We define owns id_urn id_lad
as an assertion that the
given CDP is owned by the given account.
owns id_urn id_lad = want (look (urns . ix id_urn . lad)) ((== id_lad) . Account)
We define auth k
as an act modifier that executes
only if the sender is authorized.
auth continue = do s <- use sender unless (s == God) (throwError AuthError) continue
Id a
(for any a
) is a string identifier
that cannot be mixed up with some other Id b
is the data record for a CDP.
is the data record for a CDP type.
of an Urn
) is the account identifier of the owner of
that CDP.
of an Urn
) is the amount of outstanding dai issued by that CDP.
of an Urn
(type: Wad
) is the quantity of collateral locked in the
corresponding CDP.
of an Urn
the actor which triggered the CDP's liquidation, if applicable.
of an Ilk
the collateral token used for collateral in the corresponding CDP type.
of an Ilk
(type: Ray
) is the stability fee imposed on CDPs of the
corresponding CDP type, expressed as a per-second fraction of the
CDP's outstanding dai.
of an Ilk
(type: Sec
) is the grace period for expired collateral price
tags applying to CDPs of the corresponding type.
of an Ilk
(type: Wad
) is the maximum total ("ceiling") dai issuance
for the corresponding CDP type.
of an Ilk
(type: Wad
) is the total current issuance for the
corresponding CDP type, denominated in the CDP's internal debt unit.
of an Ilk
(type: Ray
) is the dai valuation for the corresponding
CDP type's internal debt unit, compounding over time according to the
CDP type's stability fee.
of an Ilk
(type: Ray
) is the minimum required collateralization
ratio (value of collateral divided by value of issued dai) for CDPs of
the corresponding CDP type.
of an Ilk
(type: Ray
) is the penalty imposed on liquidated CDPs of
the corresponding CDP type, expressed as a fraction of the CDP's
outstanding dai.
of an Ilk
(type: Sec
) is the timestamp of its latest debt unit
of a Tag
record (type: Wad
) is the recorded market price of the
corresponding collateral token denominated in SDR.
of a Tag
(type: Sec
) is the timestamp at which the corresponding
collateral price tag will expire.
is the risk stage of a non-risky CDP.
is the Stage
of a CDP whose type has reached its debt ceiling, but has a fresh
price feed, is overcollateralized, and has not been triggered
for liquidation.
is the Stage
of a CDP whose collateral price feed has expired yet is still within
the CDP type's grace period; but the CDP is still considered
overcollateralized and has not been triggered for liquidation. (The
CDP's type may also have reached its debt ceiling.)
is the Stage
of a CDP which is undercollateralized or whose price feed is expired
past the CDP type's grace period; but which has not yet been triggered
for liquidation. (The CDP's type may also have reached its
debt ceiling.)
is the Stage
of a CDP which has been triggered for liquidation.
is the Stage
of a CDP which is undergoing liquidation.
has k x
is true if the field
of the record x
is not
is the type of a decimal number with 18 decimals
of precision, used for token quantities.
is the type of a decimal number with 36 decimals
of precision, used for precise rates and ratios.
is the type of a timestamp or duration in
whole seconds.
cast x
converts x
to whatever numeric
type is required in the expression context, possibly losing precision.
represents an arbitrary Ethereum
account address.
identifies an ERC20 token used by the system:
either some Gem
(a collateral token) or one of
, or MKR
is a constructor for a Token
representing a collateral token.
is the identifier of the dai stablecoin token.
is the identifier of the MKR token (the
countercoin and governance token).
is the identifier of the internal "anticoin"
token which is always minted and burned in the same amounts as dai,
only kept within the system as an accounting quantity.
(type: Wad
) is the feedback
mechanism's latest market price of dai, denominated in SDR.
(type: Wad
) is the feedback
mechanism's latest target price of dai, denominated in SDR.
(type: Ray
) is the current
per-second change in target price, continuously altered by the
feedback mechanism according to the sensitivity parameter.
(type: Ray
) is the sensitivity
parameter of the feedback mechanism, set by governance, controlling
the rate of change of the dai target price.
(type: Sec
) is the timestamp of the
latest feedback mechanism iteration.
is the record of collateral price feed updates.
The type Id Tag
is used to identify collateral tokens
(aka Gem
is the record of feedback mechanism data.
represents the identity of an entity which can
hold a token balance or perform system actions.
(type: Address -> Actor
constructs an Actor
identifier denoting an external
Ethereum account.
(type: Actor
) identifies the
system's collateral vault.
(type: Actor
) identifies the
actor that mints DAI/SIN and holds SIN.
(type: Actor
) identifies the
system's settler component.
(type: Actor
) identifies the
collateral auctioneer component.
(type: Actor
) identifies the
DAI stablecoin auctioneer component.
(type: Actor
) identifies the MKR
countercoin auctioneer component.
(type: Actor
) identifies the
system's test driver (not present in production).
(type: Actor
) identifies an
omnipotent actor (prototyping kludge, will be removed).
transfers collateral from a CDP owner to the
system's token vault and records an increase of ink
the CDP's Urn
mints new DAI
for the owner of an
overcollateralized CDP.
transfers ownership of a CDP.
reclaims collateral from an
overcollateralized CDP.
updates the stability feedback mechanism.
It adjusts the target price (par
) according to the target
rate (way
), and adjusts the target rate according to the
current market price (wut
) and the sensitivity parameter
calculates the Stage
of a CDP. This
involves deciding collateralization requirements as well as checking
price feed status and liquidation progress.