JAMS is a minimalist alternative to JSON. Most "minimalist" JSON alternatives have a spec that is actually longer than JSON's, and they are harder to learn. JSON is very close to minimal for what it can do. JAMS stands for Actually Minimalist JSON Alternative.

Here is an example:
  name    jamfile
  version 1.0.0
  license MIT
  type    module
  dependencies {
    easygram ^0.0.4
  devDependencies {
    tapzero ^0.6.1

Here is the usage of the jams.js package:
import { jams } from 'jams.js'

const obj = jams('{ what [a JAMS string] }')

assert( obj.what[1] == 'JAMS' )

Here is approximately the grammar, with whitespace and string rules removed:
jam     ::= obj | arr | str
obj     ::= "{" (duo (duo)*)? "}"
arr     ::= "[" (jam (jam)*)? "]"
duo     ::= str jam
str     ::= BARE | '"' QUOTE '"'

WS      ::= ...
BARE    ::= ...
QUOTE   ::= ...
Here is a clearer table of how different character escapes work:
symbols           range (hex)     barewords?    escape char?
  (tab)             09              NO           \t (or literal)
  (newline)         0A              NO           \n (or literal)
  (space)           20              NO
  !                 21              YES
  "                 22              NO           \"
  #$%&'()*+,-./     23-2F           YES
  :;<=>?@           3A-40           YES
  [\]               5B-5D           NO           \[ \\ \]
  ^_`               5E-60           YES
  {                 7B              NO           \{
  |                 7C              YES
  }                 7D              NO           \}
  ~                 7E              YES